Bob’s Case:
Bob, an 87-year-old client of Thai888 Law, has faced significant challenges due to multiple suicide attempts, the most recent of which led to his arrest and subsequent hospitalization. He suffers from several health issues, including dementia, which have compounded his difficulties. After his latest incident:
- Release and Relocation: We managed to secure his release from the hospital and arranged for him to be moved directly to a nursing home, as his rental condo lease was terminated by the owners.
- Financial Complications: Bob’s dementia led to the loss of his bank books and passport, and his inability to access his ATM card, creating hurdles in managing his financial affairs. Thai banks were unwilling to accept alternative forms of identification.
- Embassy Intervention: It took weeks, and with the intervention of the UK Embassy, we were able to view his accounts and ensure he had sufficient funds to live out his days in the nursing home.
- Current Challenge: However, the banks insist on seeing his passport before releasing any funds, which he currently does not have. Ironically, while Bob is alive, the banks adhere strictly to their policies, but upon his death, we can proceed to court for a grant of probate, which would then compel the banks to close his accounts.
- Next Steps: We are now in the process of applying for a new passport for Bob to resolve this issue.
This case is a poignant reminder of the complexities involved in such situations, and I sincerely hope no one else experiences similar difficulties.